Non compete contract and pen

Danielle Malaty Publishes Article on FTC Noncompete Bans in ABA’s “The Brief”

Goldberg Segalla partner Danielle N. Malaty’s comprehensive article regarding the Federal Trade Commission’s ban on noncompetes has been published in “The Brief” – a publication by the American Bar Association.

The piece, entitled “An Overview of the Rapidly Changing Legal Landscape Following the FTC’s Noncompete Ban,” discusses the legal hurdles and rulings that have been issued in cases challenging the rule.

According to Malaty, “The rule makes it unlawful for a covered person (1) to enter into or attempt to enter into a noncompete clause, …

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Artifical Intelligence in the Legal Profession: Ethical Considerations

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly disrupting the litigation world. While it cannot replace the need for attorneys to exercise judgment, it can support data-driven decision making and transform legal research and writing tasks for the better. As a preliminary matter, many practitioners are concerned about AI replacing the need for paralegals, and to a lesser extent, attorneys. In an effort to allay these concerns, proponents of AI suggest it cannot replace the analytical skills and intuition necessitated by the profession. Moreover, the attorney-client relationship, which inarguably …

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Law Firm Cleared in Case that Alleged Scheme to Defraud

A New York law firm sued in connection with a business deal gone awry, and accused of aiding in a scheme to defraud, saw the case against it dismissed thanks to a strategic and fervent defense waged by Goldberg Segalla partner Danielle N. Malaty.

Heard in the Northern District of Illinois, the case stemmed from a complaint by a plaintiff who claimed the target defendant — a wealthy investor — led an alleged racketeering scheme to defraud him and breach fiduciary duties.

The plaintiff …

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