The Inevitable Question: Who Hired You?

Invariably, during the representation of a professional, defense counsel may be asked by his or her adversary: who hired you? For a variety of reasons, opposing counsel may be interested in whether you were retained directly by the professional or you were appointed as defense counsel by an insurance company. A perfectly reasonable and appropriate response to this question could be: it’s none of your business.

In most scenarios, the identify of who pays an attorney’s invoices is not considered privileged information. In other words, …

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ABA’s Blawg 100 – Nominations Due August 9th

The ABA Journal is putting together its annual list of the 100 best legal blogs, based on reader votes. As publishers of Professional Liability Matters, we are proud to be considered for this prestigious list — and we would be honored if you would help. If you enjoy visiting Professional Liability Matters, and believe it is worthy of industry recognition, please click here to visit the ABA Blawg 100 Amici page and nominate us before the August 9 deadline. Thank you!…

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Oh Brother: Financial Advisor Targeted for his Sibling’s Fraud

A financial advisor was recently named in a multi-million dollar malpractice matter in Texas arising from the alleged fraud of his brother.  The financial advisor – the managing partner of DEW Wealth Strategies, LLC – allegedly allowed his brother to use the firm’s offices.  Innocent enough, right? But according to the complaint, the brother and a company he owned, Gateway Special Opportunities Fund LLC, backed out of providing the plaintiff with millions in funding for a large condominium project in California.  The brother ultimately …

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