Cleveland Indians Sue Insurance Broker following Wrongful Death Claim

It is generally understood that an insurance broker may be held liable for failing to obtain requisite insurance for the insured.  But, there is plenty of room for debate when the broker fails to obtain coverage for a third-party; i.e. an additional insured.  This issue was put to the test by the Cleveland Indians following the death of one of its patrons attending pre-game activities. According to the Sixth Circuit, the team stated a valid claim.

Cleveland Indians Baseball Co. v. New Hampshire, Ins.

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A Gap in the Professional Liability Insurance Marketplace?

Is “tailor-made” coverage for emerging industries the future of professional liability insurance? “Traditional professional liability” policies, which typically serve lawyers, accountants, architects, brokers and doctors, may no longer provide the precise fit for evolving professionals.  “Whether their clients are consultants, nurse’s aides or chicken sexers, many producers have found a gap in the professional liability marketplace,” according to the Insurance Journal.  Coverage has not always kept pace with occupational changes, leaving many professionals pushing for an insurance product that addresses the biggest industry-specific exposures.  …

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